Bitbucket-Server: Delete branch programmatically in plugin?

Hi guys,

i am wondering if and how i can delete a branch after merging it programmatically. I tried multiple things but they didn’t work out. So i am wondering if it even is possible via the java api or so.

I need this, because we want do define our own work-flow in bitbucket for our company. This includes a functionality that allows the user to merge all pull-requests from different repositories that have the same “From”->“To” Branches. (pls dont ask why ^^’)

So if anyone can help that would be great.



factory is instance GitCommandBuilderFactory
ref is branch name like master


factory is instance GitCommandBuilderFactory

factory.builder(repository) is marked as deprecated in 7.14 (see GitCommandBuilderFactory (Bitbucket Server - Git SCM API 7.14.0 API)).
What is the new Java API?

Thanks in advance.

Hello, it appears they are simply changing the method signature for GitCommandBuilderFactory#build. It used to accept #build(@Nullable Repository repository) but now will only accept #build(@NotNull Repository repository). I think this implies that this is still non-deprecated API but that the method signature will change so that any nulls will explode and you’d have to do null checking prior to passing in a Repository to #build.

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