Building jira from source

I’m trying to build a Jira WAR file from a Jira Source 9.6.0 and I get this error. Can somebody please give me idea what should I change or done in order to pass this error? Thanks

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (schemaGen-plugin-description) on project jira-rest-plugin: An Ant BuildException has occured: Javadoc returned 1
[ERROR] around Ant part …… @ 4:259 in C:\Users\user\Documents\atlassian-jira-software-9.6.0-source\jira-project\jira-components\jira-plugins\jira-rest\jira-rest-plugin\target\antrun\build-main.xml

I’m pretty sure it is not possible to build Jira from source. There are some dependencies on private packages that you will not be able to retrieve.

Why are you trying to create your own build?

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Hi @remie thanks for your answer. I’m following this documentation
and I get this error in the 6th step.

The documentation will be outdated, as far as I know it hasn’t been possible to build from source for years, for the reason Remie stated.

What is your use case from compiling from source? If it is customisation, a plugin is your best bet, or existing apps on marketplace.

There are approaches for recompiling specific classes in the comments here