Can the Macro editor be opened automatically when the autoConverter creates a macro?

I have added a dynamicContentMacro to a page which can be added by pasting a URL using the autoConverter property.

{"autoconvert": {"urlParameter": "url",
                             "matchers": [..]},
 "url": ".....view",
 "editor": {"url": "...edit"},
 "parameters": [{"identifier": "url",
                             "name": {"value": "URL"},
                             "type": "string",
                             "required": false,
                             "multiple": false,
                             "hidden": false},
                           {"identifier": "accountId",
                             "name": {"value": "Account ID"},
                             "type": "string",
                             "required": true,
                             "multiple": false,
                             "hidden": false}]}

When pasting a link the url-parameter gets set by the autoconverter and the macro is shown in display-mode.

I also need to set the required parameter accountId and it seems this can only be done when the macro editor is open.

Is there a way to have the editor to be opened right after the autoconverter adds a new macro?


Hi, I know this post is from a year ago but did you ever figure out how to accomplish this?



Sorry for the late reply, but we did not find a solution to get this to work. It is a manual action to open the macro editor after it gets inserted by the autoconverter

Thanks for the reply @t.kamp.