Cannot run helloworld app for confulence

Hi everyone, Am trying to run helloworld for confulence app via geting started here.

here is the getting started link: Getting started with Connect

here is the sample download link:

here is my credentials.json

   "hosts" : {
      "": {
         "product" : "confluence",
         "username" : "my-email-goes-here",
         "password" : "my-generated-token-goes-here"

here is my atlassian-connect

      "key": "confluence-helloworld-addon",
      "name": "Hello World",
      "description": "My very first add-on",
      "vendor": {
        "name": "Angry Nerds",
        "url": ""
      "baseUrl": "{{localBaseUrl}}",
      "links": {
        "self": "{{localBaseUrl}}/atlassian-connect.json",
        "homepage": "{{localBaseUrl}}/atlassian-connect.json"
      "authentication": {
        "type": "jwt"
      "lifecycle": {
        "installed": "/installed"
      "scopes": [
      "modules": {
        "dynamicContentMacros": [
            "key": "helloworld-macro",
            "name": {
              "value": "Hello World Macro"
            "url": "/macro",
            "description": {
              "value": "Says 'Hello World'."
            "outputType": "block",
            "bodyType": "none"

I have followed the tutorials
up to step 4 where am stuck

When I run npm start, at some point it says Add-on not registered; no compatible hosts detected

here is the output of npm start

C:\xampp\htdocs\confluence-addon>npm start

> helloworld-app@0.0.1 start C:\xampp\htdocs\confluence-addon
> node app.js

Watching atlassian-connect.json for changes
Add-on server running at http://PC:3000
Executing (default): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `AddonSettings` (`id` INTEGER PR
IMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `clientKey` VARCHAR(255), `key` VARCHAR(255), `val` JSO
N); {
  plain: false,
  raw: true,
  logging: [Function],
  timestamps: false,
  validate: {},
  freezeTableName: false,
  underscored: false,
  paranoid: false,
  rejectOnEmpty: false,
  whereCollection: null,
  schema: null,
  schemaDelimiter: '',
  defaultScope: {},
  scopes: {},
  indexes: [
      fields: [Array],
      type: '',
      parser: null,
      name: 'addon_settings_client_key_key'
  name: { plural: 'AddonSettings', singular: 'AddonSetting' },
  omitNull: false,
  sequelize: Sequelize {
    options: {
      dialect: 'sqlite',
      dialectModule: null,
      dialectModulePath: null,
      protocol: 'tcp',
      define: {},
      query: {},
      sync: {},
      timezone: '+00:00',
      clientMinMessages: 'warning',
      standardConformingStrings: true,
      logging: [Function],
      omitNull: false,
      native: false,
      replication: false,
      ssl: undefined,
      pool: {},
      quoteIdentifiers: true,
      hooks: {},
      retry: [Object],
      transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
      isolationLevel: null,
      databaseVersion: 0,
      typeValidation: false,
      benchmark: false,
      minifyAliases: false,
      logQueryParameters: false,
      adapter: 'sequelize',
      storage: ':memory:'
    config: {
      database: undefined,
      username: undefined,
      password: null,
      host: 'localhost',
      port: undefined,
      pool: {},
      protocol: 'tcp',
      native: false,
      ssl: undefined,
      replication: false,
      dialectModule: null,
      dialectModulePath: null,
      keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
      dialectOptions: undefined
    dialect: SqliteDialect {
      sequelize: [Circular],
      connectionManager: [ConnectionManager],
      QueryGenerator: [SQLiteQueryGenerator]
    queryInterface: QueryInterface {
      sequelize: [Circular],
      QueryGenerator: [SQLiteQueryGenerator]
    models: { AddonSetting: AddonSetting },
    modelManager: ModelManager { models: [Array], sequelize: [Circular] },
    connectionManager: ConnectionManager {
      sequelize: [Circular],
      config: [Object],
      dialect: [SqliteDialect],
      versionPromise: null,
      dialectName: 'sqlite',
      pool: [Pool],
      connections: [Object],
      lib: [Object]
    importCache: {}
  hooks: true,
  uniqueKeys: {},
  type: 'RAW',
  uuid: 'default',
  inMemory: 1,
  readWriteMode: undefined
Executing (default): PRAGMA INDEX_LIST(`AddonSettings`) {
  plain: false,
  raw: true,
  logging: [Function],
  timestamps: false,
  validate: {},
  freezeTableName: false,
  underscored: false,
  paranoid: false,
  rejectOnEmpty: false,
  whereCollection: null,
  schema: null,
  schemaDelimiter: '',
  defaultScope: {},
  scopes: {},
  indexes: [
      fields: [Array],
      type: '',
      parser: null,
      name: 'addon_settings_client_key_key'
  name: { plural: 'AddonSettings', singular: 'AddonSetting' },
  omitNull: false,
  sequelize: Sequelize {
    options: {
      dialect: 'sqlite',
      dialectModule: null,
      dialectModulePath: null,
      protocol: 'tcp',
      define: {},
      query: {},
      sync: {},
      timezone: '+00:00',
      clientMinMessages: 'warning',
      standardConformingStrings: true,
      logging: [Function],
      omitNull: false,
      native: false,
      replication: false,
      ssl: undefined,
      pool: {},
      quoteIdentifiers: true,
      hooks: {},
      retry: [Object],
      transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
      isolationLevel: null,
      databaseVersion: 0,
      typeValidation: false,
      benchmark: false,
      minifyAliases: false,
      logQueryParameters: false,
      adapter: 'sequelize',
      storage: ':memory:'
    config: {
      database: undefined,
      username: undefined,
      password: null,
      host: 'localhost',
      port: undefined,
      pool: {},
      protocol: 'tcp',
      native: false,
      ssl: undefined,
      replication: false,
      dialectModule: null,
      dialectModulePath: null,
      keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
      dialectOptions: undefined
    dialect: SqliteDialect {
      sequelize: [Circular],
      connectionManager: [ConnectionManager],
      QueryGenerator: [SQLiteQueryGenerator]
    queryInterface: QueryInterface {
      sequelize: [Circular],
      QueryGenerator: [SQLiteQueryGenerator]
    models: { AddonSetting: AddonSetting },
    modelManager: ModelManager { models: [Array], sequelize: [Circular] },
    connectionManager: ConnectionManager {
      sequelize: [Circular],
      config: [Object],
      dialect: [SqliteDialect],
      versionPromise: null,
      dialectName: 'sqlite',
      pool: [Pool],
      connections: [Object],
      lib: [Object]
    importCache: {}
  hooks: true,
  type: 'SHOWINDEXES',
  uuid: 'default',
  inMemory: 1,
  readWriteMode: undefined
Executing (default): CREATE INDEX `addon_settings_client_key_key` ON `AddonSetti
ngs` (`clientKey`, `key`) {
  plain: false,
  raw: true,
  logging: [Function],
  benchmark: undefined,
  transaction: undefined,
  schema: null,
  fields: [ 'clientKey', 'key' ],
  parser: null,
  name: 'addon_settings_client_key_key',
  prefix: 'AddonSettings',
  supportsSearchPath: false,
  type: 'RAW',
  uuid: 'default',
  inMemory: 1,
  readWriteMode: undefined
Local tunnel established at
Check for tunnel status
Registering add-on...
Failed to register with host (200)

Add-on not registered; no compatible hosts detected

Hi @EsedoFredrick

Did you enable development on your Atlassian site as described in Step 2 of the getting started guide? Step 2: Enable development mode in your site on Getting started with Connect

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I recall password is no longer supported. You will have to generate api token from Atlassian account and edit your config.json hosts to look like this.
“hosts” :[“Log in with Atlassian account”]


@HeyJoe, thanks for responding, Please how do I navigate to system settings to be able enable development mode for confulence. what are the direct links to that because I did not see anywhere to enable development mode in my project dashboard

here is my project Projects - Jira

@lavakumar.dukanam , thanks for responding, It seems that I have to enable Development mode for confulence first.

Please how do I navigate to system settings to be able enable development mode for confulence . what are the direct links to that because I did not see anywhere to enable development mode in my project dashboard



Navigate to Atlassian Marketplace section and choose Manage apps.

click on the Settings link from Manage apps, it opens up a dialog box, then you can do it from there.

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