Change HTML in a confluence plugin

Hi all

I’m new to confluence plugin development but have an easy question.
We want to add a new column in the attachments overview per page.

We are really struggeling… How can achieve that?

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Dominic

There will not be a concrete way to modify an existing action such as
<confluence-url>/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=<pageId>, unless that action is providing locations to bind to. In this case, I don’t believe the ViewPageAttachments action has any extension points.

One option some plugin providers utilize is to provide their own action, at their own URL, so they can display their data within their control. Another option could be to load a jQuery file that identifies which page is loaded and then augments the display in some fashion. Finally, you could choose an existing extension point, such as the Page Metadata location, to display your information.