Client error - 422 when posting to web hook

Hi everyone!

I try to create a branch(with name of JIRA issue key) on GitLab server located in the local network by using a webhook and I catch an error: “Client error - 422 when posting to web hook at…”
2018-02-19 13:34:23,971 Web-Hook-Publisher-1 DEBUG admin 792x1607x1 hkjsfa /secure/QuickCreateIssue.jspa [c.a.webhooks.plugin.PublishTaskFactoryImpl$PublishTaskImpl] Posting to web hook at ‘’, body is:

2018-02-19 13:34:24,082 httpclient-callbacks:thread-8 WARN anonymous [c.a.webhooks.plugin.PublishTaskFactoryImpl$PublishTaskImpl] Client error - 422 when posting to web hook at ‘

2018-02-19 13:34:24,082 httpclient-callbacks:thread-8 DEBUG anonymous [c.a.webhooks.plugin.PublishTaskFactoryImpl$PublishTaskImpl] Body is

I think I catch the error because of authentication problem. For example “private_token=” expression, but without it I see the same error …

Could somebody help me to figure out it what is this error 422 mean?

GitLab REST API for creating a branch here Branches API | GitLab
curl --request POST --header “PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK” “

Did I write webhook wrong for applying in JIRA webhook?

I figured it out.
I just learn how REST API works. That’s why I thought the expression in curl and webhook is different. Actually it the same.

I used wrong URL in webhook: ‘
Should use: “…”