Hi developer community,
Today, we would like to update you on the Cloud Fortified program. Since its launch in July last year, we have reached over 200 Cloud Fortified apps on the marketplace, 121 for Jira and 95 for Confluence.
At its core, the Cloud Fortified program was designed to establish trust with enterprise customers in the cloud, by bringing higher security, reliability, and support standards. In the last months, we have been working to improve the metrics that make up the program’s Reliability pillar. Based on the signals received from you, we have been analysing the health of the metrics and alerts you are receiving.
Removal of the latency metrics for Connect apps
Based on our investigation, we are seeing that the data for all latency metrics present on the Statuspage is misleading and may result in inaccurate conclusions or alerts triggered based on this data. We are mindful of your time for investigating the alerts we present to you, therefore we decided to temporarily remove all the latency metrics from the Cloud Fortified program. Therefore, for Connect apps, the metrics that will be available since today are:
- App Availability
- Iframe success rate
- Webhook delivery success rate
- Installation Callback Success Rate (as well as Success Count and Failure Count)
- Synthetic Check Success Rate from App Server (optional)
- Iframe Load Success Rate from App Server (optional)
We will be analysing the metrics and alerts further to make sure they help you in providing a reliable experience to our customers. This will be reflected in our documentation in the coming days.
New design for alerts
Additionally, we would like to inform you that today we will ship new look & feel for the alerts we are sending to you when a metric is breached.
The new alerts will be more actionable, i.e. the links in the email will send you directly to the Cloud Fortified Apps Statuspage and related resources.
Initially we will send the improved alerts for one of the metrics (Installation Callback Success Rate) and proceed with other metrics later on.
We’re continuing to evaluate this new program’s reception among enterprise customers and may make adjustments in the future to ensure the Cloud Fortified requirements are still meaningful and influencing enterprise buyers. For more information on the metrics and other program resources available for Cloud Fortified program, please see here.
If you have any feedback for us, please feel free to share it below.
Thank you,
the Cloud Fortified team