Cloud Fortified: What is the moduleType in the Publish Metrics API?

What is the moduleType body attribute in the Publish Metrics API?
In the API description it says that it’s required but I called without it and got a 200 success response.

If I have multiple synthetic tests, how do I identify for which one I’m publishing the metric?

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@leonardonunes thanks for bringing this to our attention. The moduleType field is indeed not currently required, despite what the documentation says. I will fix that now. I will also review the rules that should apply for this field.

A module type is a valid key in the "modules" field in atlassian-connect.json, e.g. "generalPages".

There is currently no way for you to identify named synthetic tests when you are submitting metrics. I will log a feature request for that.


Hi @epehrson , any news about this?

We’d made several synthetic tests but, at first, we think that the parameter moduleType going to be to identify each synthetic test but now in the documentation indicates it will be for iframe tests.

How we identify each synthetic test?

@carlos.fernandez no, there is still no way for you to identify named synthetic tests when you are submitting metrics.

We have not yet confirmed when our engineering team will be able to revisit these metrics and the Metrics Publish API.

Thanks @epehrson, we’ll be waiting for any change in this Api.