is it possible to change the colour of my ‘button hyperlink’ ?
Hey @Adriana1 are you trying to do this for a DC or a Cloud product?
If for DC or you’re directly including AUI yourself in Forge custom UI you can take a look at our public documentation: Buttons - AUI Documentation
There’s ways to semantically define if the button is warning, error, disabled, etc. which solves some a11y and other concerns for you which may solve your problem.
If you’d like to change the colour for another purpose, you can write a CSS selector that is scoped to the children of the root of your UI that overrides the internal AUI CSS variables where needed. This is in the AUI documentation.
If you’re developing for DC, you should refer to the documentation for the specific version of AUI that the product you’re supporting uses. You can find the matrix here: atlassian / platform-module-usage / wiki / aui — Bitbucket