Component is cropped when out of the iframe

Hey !

We are trying to add a calendar in an issue panel module using Forge, and the component is rendered, but cropped when in the bottom of the module.
We can see in the attached screenshot that when clicking on a date field, the component is displayed, but is in the background and we can’t select a date:

Is there a props in the calendar component that we are missing needed to be displayed out of our table ?

EDIT: For every component it’s cropped when on the border of the iframe, is there any workaround to be on top ?

Thank you in advance!
Kind regards,

Hi @ElyesGannoun !

Apologies for the lack of response. Could you please elaborate on what the component is ? When using the UI kit with the dataPicker component there are no such problems, so I assume the problem lies in the css when using the Custom UI.

Best regards,

If that drop-down is rendering in an iframe, you’ll have to increase the size of the iframe to the size of the drop-down when it’s open, then reduce the size when it’s closed.

If not in an iframe, then things shouldn’t get as ugly.