Could you share more of the code that you’ve written? Pull requests use Optimistic Locking to avoid concurrent updates overwriting each other’s changes. This is achieved with the version field of the PullRequestUpdateRequest class. The version field on that class has to match the PullRequest’s version field when updating it, if it is different (because it may have been updated concurrently) the update will fail with an EntityOutOfDateException. If this occurs, you can try reloading the PullRequest object from the PullRequestService and trying again.
Could you share more of the code that you’ve written?
We set PR reviewers via different listeners (e.g., Listener #1, Listener #2, ecc.) using the following example code:
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.imports.ComponentImport;
import com.atlassian.event.api.EventListener;
import com.atlassian.bitbucket.event.pull.PullRequestOpenedEvent;
import com.atlassian.bitbucket.pull.PullRequestService;
import com.atlassian.bitbucket.pull.PullRequest;
public class MyListener {
protected final PullRequestService pullRequestService;
public MyListener(@ComponentImport PullRequestService pullRequestService) {
this.pullRequestService = pullRequestService;
public void onPullRequestOpenedEvent(PullRequestOpenedEvent event) {
PullRequest pullRequest = event.getPullRequest();
Set<String> reviewers = new HashSet<String>();
new PullRequestUpdateRequest.Builder(pullRequest, pullRequest.getVersion())
.title(pullRequest.getTitle()) // mandatory as per {@code com.atlassian.bitbucket.pull.PullRequestUpdateRequest#PullRequestUpdateRequest}
The version field on that class has to match the PullRequest ’s version field when updating it, if it is different (because it may have been updated concurrently) the update will fail with an EntityOutOfDateException .
No exceptions are raised, the PullRequestService#update method returns with success.
Thanks in advance for your support, @wkritzinger.