Hi @WendyR,
Thank you for your support in this.
And thank you @adam.labus for your detailed problem report!
I just would like to add to Adam’s posting to clarify, why I keep referring to the documentation with two examples:
If I read in the Atlassian documentation (https://developer.atlassian.com/server/framework/atlassian-sdk/working-with-maven/) that I need to use a repository with URL https://packages.atlassian.com/maven-atlassian-all/, I would expect that I can use this in my build process. But I am unable to access any artifacts, neither via the browser (what would be a bad idea if you would block that), nor via the Maven build.
When I read that I should use the Atlassian SDK in version 9.x (e.g. Could not find artifact xmlrpc:xmlrpc:jar:2.0+xmlrpc61.1+sbfix), I would like to expect to be able to download it via the link found on https://developer.atlassian.com/server/framework/atlassian-sdk/install-the-atlassian-sdk-on-a-windows-system/#install-the-atlassian-sdk-on-a-windows-system or find a reference on the Atlassian Marketplace (Atlassian Plugin SDK - Windows | Atlassian Marketplace, which is referenced here: https://developer.atlassian.com/server/framework/atlassian-sdk/downloads/). But this links to version 8.2.7. Now I am wondering, if this SDK is only available for some guys or only on some platforms, are we talking of another SDK, or what am I missing …?