Confluence API only returns a "You are already logged in" HTML page


I’m trying to pull some confluence content with the API, but all I’m getting as a response is this “You are already logged in” HTML page. This is not specific to any one request, it’s happening on everything I’ve tried. For auth, I’m using a Confluence personal access token, per these instructions: Using Personal Access Tokens | Atlassian Support | Atlassian Documentation

Haven’t been able to find any help for this so far, so anything anyone has will be greatly appreciated. Here’s a clean look at what postman’s giving me:

Hello @MattF

Can you please provide a screen grab of Postman with the full URL path of the request, as your screen grab only shows the abstracted URL with variables in two places. Also, do not select Preview mode for the response, but leave it in Pretty mode to show the underlying HTML / JSON response.

Did you ever resolve this as i am experiencing same issue? Whichever endpoint i use i get the same response. Token works fine using v1 API also