Hey Developer Community!
On October 22nd, we shared this post on our user community detailing our new editor rollout plans. We understand that you might have some questions based on that post. We have tried to address questions we think you might have here. If you still have some questions for us, please feel free to post a question as a comment to this post.
Before we get to the Q&A, we want to define some terms to make sure we are all on the same page.
Rich body macro is a container in which the page creator/editor can type text or insert page elements. Examples of rich body macros include the Expand macro or the Page Properties macro.
Block macro is a static element that pulls content into the page based on properties set in the macro, and it doesn’t allow the page creator/editor to type inside the macro. Examples of a block macro include the Questions List macro or the Related Labels macro.
Q: Will you support nesting rich body macros inside other rich body macros?
A: We allow rich body macros that contain block macros, but as of now we don’t have any plans to allow rich body macros inside other rich body macros. An example of what won’t be allowed is an Expand macro inside another Expand macro. You can, however, have a Question List macro inside an Expand macro.
Q: Why don’t you support nesting of rich body macros in the new editor?
A: In Confluence server, nesting of bodied macros provides an excellent way to build composable functionality with different macros. There are a lot of examples that show off this functionality in the server marketplace. Unfortunately, in Confluence cloud, nesting doesn’t provide the same composability due to iFrame’s security constraints. We decided not to support it in the new editor and instead try to provide a more WYSIWYG approach for macros that we believe gives more opportunities for app developers.
Q: Can I put Confluence provided macros, like Expand or Page Properties, into a rich body macro?
A: Currently you can’t, but we are working on revising the functionality so that they would work with rich body macros without any problems. The first one to be revised will be the Expand macro.
Q: What should I do with my current rich body macro in Confluence cloud?
A: If your macro doesn’t require nesting of other rich body macros, it works as-is. However, we strongly recommend moving away from developing rich body macros.
If your macro does require nesting of other rich body macros, you should migrate it to a block macro.
Q: How do I migrate my rich body macro to a block macro without data loss?
A: We are working on a solution. You can follow this ticket [CONFCLOUD-65437] When changing macro body from bodied to bodiless store the macro body to content property - Create and track feature requests for Atlassian products. for any updates.
In addition, you can apply for the upcoming App Week in Scottsdale, Arizona, January 13-17, 2019, where we can work on your app together. App Week is an invite-only developer event where we bring Atlassian Engineers and Product Managers to work side-by-side with you. Apply now as the application deadline is coming up fast, December 2nd.