Confluence Docker Images: we need a generic "eap" tag

Atlassian says they have an “eap” label for the latest EAP release:
“For the latest developer (EAP) release use atlassian/confluence-server:eap . This will install our latest milestone (not supported for use in production).”

It’s not true. There is no such tag in Confluence’s docker hub. We need it.

See the tags for the various versions of Confluence server docker images here:

There is no generic “eap” image so there is no easy way for us to keep an up to date EAP docker image in our test environment.

There is a “latest” image and we use that for the latest published version but we need an “eap” label so we don’t have to dig through the various “76-eap-1”, “76-eap-2”, … labels to find the latest EAP image.


Also note that with Confluence 7.7.0 the -eap- naming convention seems to have changed to -beta-. This makes it even harder to automate pulling the latest early access image. Please bring some consistency to your image naming conventions.


Here is a bug for this issue: [CONFSERVER-60251] Confluence 7.8 EAP Feedback - Create and track feature requests for Atlassian products.

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Thanks for catching this. This is an error in our documentation, I’ve corrected that now. Sorry for the confusion this has caused. We’ve created a ticket to evaluate doing such “:eap” tagging In the interim, if it’s any easier than watching a page, you can follow the JSON/RSS feed for the latest EAP version across all products as described here: The EAP version will be the tag for the docker image e.g. confluence-server:7.8.0-beta1