Confluence Docker with Apple M1 Chip


Im having problems while running confluence images in Docker using the Apple M1 chip.
When I run it I can not create any page, it shows this message near the “publish” button : “Can’t save changes”. Also it says that the editor didn’t load this time.

And when I try to publish it, it won’t work and this message is shown:

It is weird because if I cancel the edition and open it again from the drafts, I will be able to publish it without any problem, as well as if i disable the collaborative editing it will allow me to publish pages.

This never happened to me using other mac laptops with intel chips, so I’m sure that it should be something related to the arm architecture and some configuration on the docker images.



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Hi @JosebaAlonso

I have Apple M1 chip and I always have to turn off “Collaborative editing” in options, I know this is not a solution, but try if it works for you


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Hi @adam.labus

Thanks for answering :slight_smile:

As I said, when I turn off “Collaborative editing” it works fine but I would like to find if there is another option or configuration to make it work in a common way.



Hi @JosebaAlonso,

Unfortunately, it seems that Collaborative editing is not supported on ARM architectures and only works on x86 architectures and derivates (e.g. Intel).

This problem will also occur if Confluence is running on the ARM platform. Collaborative Editing doesn’t work …


As far as I can tell, there is no way to run collaborative editing on Docker on an M1 chip. However, you are still able to run it successfully with the downloaded Confluence via emulation. To do that:

  1. Make sure Rosetta 2 is installed on your system.
  2. Download AdoptOpen JDK 11 (only available for x86).
  3. Change your java home to the openjdk one (or use your preferred java environment manager to select it).
  4. Run your production instance directly on your machine following this guide: Installing Confluence on Linux from Archive File | Confluence Data Center and Server 8.6 | Atlassian Documentation.

Do note that the performance will be noticeably degraded. Therefore, we should upvote this ticket in order to get official support.

Hope this helps!

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Hi @ahmed.alaghbari,

Thank you very much for your answer.

I didn’t know this wasn’t supported on ARM.

So far I can continue working by turning off the Collaborative editing but I will upvote the issue you shared here.

Thanks a lot.


Hi, collaborative editing on Apple silicon should work on version 7.18.0 and above.