Confluence REST API v2: Get space permissions

Hello everyone,

I use GetSpaces to fetch all information related to one space, and I am using Get Space V2 Version which does not return any details about permissions of this specific space. So, I use GetSpacePermission which is fine, but if I want to create a new space with the same permissions, I need anonymousAccess and unlicensedAccess .
However, the GetSpaces method doesn’t have these fields same as GetSpacePermission.
Could you please let me know how I can access these fields?

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Did you get any answers here @NiloufarVafaei ?

Not yet, it seems, in the call of permission api if the type → role, Id → ANONYMOUS but I am not sure what unlicensedAccess value is in this scenario

"principal": { "type": "role", "id": "ANONYMOUS" }

Hi @NiloufarVafaei

Atlassian has said that they’re no longer monitoring this forum for REST API v.2 gaps and that you should file a bug to get the item added to the queue using the following procedure: RFC-19: Deprecation of Confluence Cloud REST API v1 Endpoints - #25 by AshishShirode


hi @NiloufarVafaei how are you getting the space Id for the Get Space Permissions REST endpoint, as it doesnt seem to work with spaceKey

Hi @adisa.craig, yes I know so I used get space api to get spaceId, the problem is in the call of permission api if the type → role, Id → ANONYMOUS but I am not sure what unlicensedAccess value is in this scenario

"principal": { "type": "role", "id": "ANONYMOUS" }