Confluence webhook and id as integer

Confluence delivers content Ids in webhooks as integers. I believe this is an error.

There’s a closed discussion: Temporary `idAsString` field in Confluence Webhooks . The discussion links to a closed Jira ticket:

In this ticket and discussion Atlassian states that 6 months after May, 1st, 2022 webhooks will deliver the contentId as a string.

Today, for example, we got this webhook payload:

  page: {
    idAsString: '1822586694',
    creatorAccountId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
    spaceKey: 'xxxxx',
    spaceId: 98305,
    modificationDate: 1715266758547,
    lastModifierAccountId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
    self: '',
    id: 1822586694,
    title: 'xxxxxx',
    creationDate: 1662725913318,
    contentType: 'page',
    version: 3
  timestamp: 1715266758564,
  accountType: 'customer',
  userAccountId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  updateTrigger: 'edit_page'

The webhook contains the deprecated isAsString field and still delivers the id as an integer.

Ping @RomanToropov

Issue opened: Jira Service Management , closed access.