I am trying to connect Jira and AWS AppFlow but when I try to do so it generates an unknown error.
Welcome to the Atlassian developer community @AndrsAlzate,
Interesting. That’s the 2nd aws-appflow question on this forum in 2 days. I’m sure we would welcome answers from anyone who has information to offer. While we wait for answers, allow me to clarify a couple points.
Atlassian did not build or participate in the AWS AppFlow integration. I speak for authority on this matter because I have been involved with Atlassian’s partner relationship with AWS for many years. As such, Atlassian doesn’t have any expertise. We don’t know how AppFlow works with Jira Cloud or our OAuth gateway. That’s not to say it’s unsupported or doesn’t work; just that support should probably come from AWS.
That said, this error is happening on the Atlassian side and does say, “Raise a support request.” But, under current policies, this community thread would not be serviced by an Atlassian support engineer. Please open an ticket with our customer support team.