Connect GasV3 catch Error: No ac/analytics

When I open the dev tools console in Chrome or Safari, there are a lot of “Connect GasV3 catch Error: No ac/analytics” printed there. This is very annoying.

I have checked all my instances. All of them print this error.

Does anyone know what has caused this? Is there a way to fix this? I have used Filter in Chrome console, but it is not convenient at all.

It would also be helpful if someone could help confirm you are NOT facing this issue so that I know this is not common.

As a workaround, I put -GasV3 in the filter. I hope this could help someone else facing this issue.


Hello @eagle.xiao,

I’ve brought this to relevant team’s attention. This is a known issue and this shouldn’t be breaking anything. The team needed to move on to another stream of work. There’s a ticket to clean this up but not prioritized yet. Sorry for the annoyance this is causing.

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