Hi @ragrawal thank you for getting back to me.
let me provide more details to clarify my request and the issue i am facing:
i am after placing my application button in the place highlighted by Yellow below
i have came across this example Bitbucket that shows how to include ConnectModules inside Forge Manifest and it was deployable for me after adding to the bottom of it “app”
then i started looking into ConnectModules for something that allows me to place the button in the place i want and i got to this Boards
so i tried to integrate that into the example from Git but didnt work out (probably i did it wrong but i am not able to figure out what)
Please remove comma(,) at line 20. YAML is not happy with the comma separator between keys.
Just tip: if you manage the yaml file with a certain IDE, such as vs-code, it would be better for managing yaml file cause the ide shows you if the file looks ok with the corresponding extension, such as .json, .yaml etc