Control sprintReport listener

Hi, I have a listener that every time a sprint is finished in the Jira whiteboard it automatically creates the item sprint Report.

This code works:

import com.atlassian.greenhopper.service.rapid.view.RapidViewService
import com.atlassian.greenhopper.service.sprint.Sprint
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.customisers.PluginModuleCompilationCustomiser
import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.customisers.WithPlugin


def sprint = event.sprint as Sprint

if (sprint.state == Sprint.State.CLOSED &&"-SP")) {

def rapidViewService = PluginModuleCompilationCustomiser.getGreenHopperBean(RapidViewService)
def user = ComponentAccessor.jiraAuthenticationContext.getLoggedInUser()

def equipos = ["ONLINESTORE-19610", "PRMOTIONSV-22013", "RETAILDIR-43513", "RETAILDIR-44112"

    def view = rapidViewService.getRapidView(user, sprint.rapidViewId).value
    def encontrado = equipos.find { it.split('-')[1].toInteger() == }

    if (encontrado) {
        def proyecto = encontrado.split('-')[0]
        def boardId = encontrado.split('-')[1]

        // ----------- CREAR Y TRANSICIONAR PETICIÓN -----------
        Issues.create(proyecto, 'Sprint Report') {
            setSummary('Pendiente informar Sprint Id')
            setCustomFieldValue('Sprint Id',
        }.transition('Refresh Metrics')

How can I do in groovy to control that if that Sprint Report already exists just update it with (transition(Refresh Metrics)) but not create it again?

Could you help me?

Thank you very much

Hey @MichaelSordo,

Is it right to assume there should only be one sprint report in the project, with a specific value for Sprint Id?

What I would do is first run a JQL search to see if any such issue already exists, if it does you can transition that one, or create a new issue if not.

You’ll probably know what the correct JQL would be, I’d then wrap the code something like this:

def existingIssue ="project = FOO and 'Sprint Id' = 'BAR'")[0]

if (existingIssue) {
    existingIssue.transition('Refresh Metrics')
} else {
    Issues.create(proyecto, 'Sprint Report') {
        setSummary('Pendiente informar Sprint Id')
        setCustomFieldValue('Sprint Id',
    }.transition('Refresh Metrics')

Does that make sense? Check for an existing issue via JQL first, transition if it exists, if not then create a new issue.


Hi @rlander, sorry for the delay. It was indeed as you said. Thank you very much for your help.

Kind regards,

Michael Sordo