Create a custom web-item in bitbucket in project settings

Hi, we are currently developing a plugin for BitBucket Data center to add a custom web-item under security section in project settings. We added the web-item in atlassian-plugin.xml and deployed the plugin in BitBucket but we aren’t able to see the web-item in that location.

<web-item key="add_user" section="bitbucket.project.settings.panel/project-settings-section">
     <label key="Add User" />

Am I doing something wrong? How do I add custom web-item in BitBucket?

section="bitbucket.project.settings.panel/project-settings-section" looks correct.

Maybe experiment with adding a link element?
e.g. I see atlassian-slack-integration-server’s web-item has it: atlassian-slack-integration-server/bitbucket-slack-server-integration-plugin/src/main/resources/atlassian-plugin.xml at bitbucket-slack-server-integration-plugin-4.0.10 · atlassian-labs/atlassian-slack-integration-server · GitHub

Hi StanleySu
Thanks for replying we have added link and i18n-name-key attribute to the web-item, it is working now.