I am trying to create a Jira Cloud “connect” application which aims at integrate Jira to Actitime app.
Actimetime is basicaly a time track app. In this app we can define Clients / Project / Task. Developpers enters time track on task.
But developpers actually works with Jira issues. So I want to add custom fields to Jira issue to set thoses actitime clients / project and task to an issue at creation.
Then they can time track on jira issues and this time track can be automatically “transfers” to Actitime.
What i’ve did so far is to use ngrok and spring boot template to create and add an app a test/dev Jira Cloud instance. I can declare a custom fields using this :
"modules": {
"jiraIssueFields": [
"key": "actitimeCustomerId",
"name": {
"value": "Customer actitime"
"description": {
"value": "Ce champs référence le client (customer) actitime associé au ticket"
"type": "single_select"
"jiraIssueContexts": [
"key": "actitime-context",
"name": {
"value": "Actitime"
"target": {
"type": "web_panel",
"url": "/actitime-context.html"
"content": {
"type": "label",
"label": {
"value": "Actitime"
"icon": {
"width": 16,
"height": 16,
"url": "/static/icons/actitime-panel-logo.svg"
"jiraNativeAppsEnabled": true
The “/actitime-context.html” contains a “select”
<label for="customer-select">Sélectionnez un client :</label> <select id="customer-select"></select>
This select should be populated by a rest call to my ngrok/spring boot app.
But I don’t really see how to call my backend (where there is the “atlassian-connect.json” file), or even if I’m using the right approach.