Create a new List on a Board returning 401: Board has too many open lists

we are calling POST /lists to create a new list in a Trello Board and the API is returning a 401 with:

  "message": "Board has too many open lists",

i believe this error message makes sense when the board has too many lists (i believe 500 is the max) but the 401 status code seems wrong and makes it harder for our app to handle the error in a generic way. shouldn’t the status code be 400 or some other status? is there anything you can suggest or do about that on your end?

Hello @BiffMcIfttt

The limit is actually 475 active lists per board, but you get warned at 450. Refer to the Limits documentation.

Shouldn’t the status code be 400 or some other status?

Yeah, it probably should be a 403 Forbidden (API will not allow that in this case), but it is what it is.

Is there anything you can suggest or do about that on your end?

Just like the rate limits, it’s your app’s responsibility to look for warnings in the responses, so that you know in advance before you’ve reached the limit.

PS. I’ve never worked with any company that had a rational need for so many lists on a single board. Re-think your use case.

we are a service aggregator, so the use case is our users’