Create Multi Select Custom field type in Jira Cloud

I would like to know if it’s possible to create a multi-select custom field type in Jira Cloud using Forge. The custom field should display as labels in the issue view, while storing the corresponding IDs in the background. Essentially, the custom field should be a list of objects, similar to how Active Objects function in Jira Data Center/Server.

Could you please guide me on how to achieve this?

Hello @IbrahimItani !
You can either create a custom field type (it will let you create new custom fields using this custom field type) or you can create a custom field(in this case you will have just one custom field).

  1. To create custom field type you can use this command:
forge create

then choose UI Kit or custom ui then Jira and then jira-custom-field-type. You can modify the edit template for your needs in the created app.

  1. To create a custom field you can use this module:

You can use this command to create an example:

forge create

then choose either UI KIT or custom ui and then Jira and then jira-custom-field. Have a look at the code, you can modify it for your needs. When I needed a multi-select field, I defined a property of type string and set the value of the field there. The value of multi-select is an Array of {value: string, label: string}. I used JSON.stringify to convert this array to string.

Another thing to consider that this module only works for Jira not for Jira Service Management. If you want to create such a field for Jira Service Management portal, you would neeed to have a look at this module:

For this one I have an example:
and a video explanation for the example:

@alex_sam thanks for the above
I want to create custom field type called xyz, yeah it can be of type object
What I’m trying to do is save IDs in the background and in the edit screen, the custom field of type XYZ will be displayed as a dropdown.
Moreover in the view screen I want to display labels by fetching the ids
I didn’t find something similar in the tutorial
Can you assist

I am not sure how I can assist further. You can create a template from forge create and replace TextField with Select.

Do you know any online resources that has multi select cf type template for Jira cloud?