Creating guest users in Jira Cloud via REST API

Hi all,

I’m looking to solve a business need by automating the addition of users to our Jira environments and assigning them to the requested projects. We have an identity provider setup syncing in users from Azure AD so internal users are taken care of. However, for guest/external users things are trickier.

  1. Use the endpoint available to create a user
    Concerns with this- the endpoint does not work with our existing OAuth connection and the EXPERIMENTAL tag mentioning the resource may be deprecated soon.

  2. Use the user provisioning API to create a user at the Atlassian level
    Concerns with this- the documentation states that “A user account can only be created if it has an email address on a verified domain.” which would not be the case here as the guest/external users will have different domains and it won’t be guaranteed that the domain will be verified on Atlassian.

Anyone have guidance on this? Most appreciated!

Hi @vincentlee. Welcome to the developer community. So, while I don’t have a solution to your problem, I do have some information that might be helpful. There is a support page that discusses external users (here: Who are external users? | Atlassian Support) – and on that page, you’ll see that supporting external users is currently under development (early access program), and is not generally available.

  1. Use the user provisioning API to create a user at the Atlassian level

That API method that you cited above (user provision API) is only related to your IDP (identify provider) which would not apply here.

Meanwhile, I’m going to be digging in deeper with some internal teams to discuss what endpoints may/will be available for external users on organization-managed instances, and will share what I find in the coming days.


Thanks for the reply! Just so I can understand properly, do you mind explaining what the “Invite” option does in User Management?

Or the “Add people” function within a project?

It seems like to me that when done manually, adding a guest is quick and easy. This is what our Jira team is doing currently. However, it seems this is not the case, or not possible, rather, with REST API. DId I get that right?

Thanks again for your help,

Thanks for the reply! Just so I can understand properly, do you mind explaining what the “Invite” option does in User Management?

Inviting a user through the Atlassian Site Admin > User Management interface will send an e-mail invite to the user, whether or not they have an Atlassian account already. A Jira user account is provisioned for them, and the status of whether or not the invitee has accepted the invite can be tracked in that same UI.

Or the “Add people” function within a project?

The Add people button on the Project Settings > People menu allows you to add an existing user on your Jira instance to that specific project. If you type in an email address of a user that is not an existing user on the instance, it will invite them, similar to above.

It seems like to me that when done manually, adding a guest is quick and easy. However, it seems this is not the case, or not possible, rather, with REST API. DId I get that right?

Inviting a Guest through the Atlassian Site Admin > User Management menu is only for Confluence. And as far as I know, there isn’t a REST API method to create/invite a guest.

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Thanks for detailing that so clearly!

In this case I am trying to replicate the Add people function within the Project Settings via REST API. Thus my usage of “guest” may have been incorrect.

It is my understanding that to achieve this, I could use the “Create user” endpoint detailed as #1 in the original post- but given that it is set to Experimental and notes that it may deprecated at any time I was hoping to find a more stable solution. Is my understanding correct?


@nmansilla any updates about this? Any solution or workaround about creating/inviting a new using REST API