Crowd 4.0 EAPs are here!

We’re preparing for our Crowd 4.0 platform release, which may bring a number of breaking changes. In order to make sure you are prepared for that release, we are launching an official Early Access Program (EAP) for Crowd 4.0. We will provide additional details of what’s included as we get closer to the date of the release.

EAP releases

  • First artifact was published on 6 November 2019 and can be downloaded here.
  • We’ve created Preparing for Crowd 4.0 page that should help you to understand scope of changes that we’ve made. We will use that page for sharing further updates on next EAP artifact releases.
  • After the end of the EAP program there will be release candidate artifact published. There should not be any breaking changes after this point.

Share your feedback

We’d like to use this post to gather your feedback about the milestones we’re releasing. If there’s anything we can provide that will make it easier for you to understand and plan the changes, let us know by commenting under this post. Share any feedback or questions you have, we’ll do our best to answer them.

The Crowd team


We have published a release candidate of Crowd 4.0, which can be downloaded here. We have updated Preparing for Crowd page, which contains the scope of the changes that we’ve made. There should be no further breaking changes in Crowd 4.0 release.

If you have any feedback, or questions regarding the changes we’ve made, please share them by commenting under this post.

The Crowd team

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