Crowd 5.0 EAP released

We’ve just released an EAP of Crowd 5.0 to let you know about the changes we’re planning to make. Unless we need to include emergency or unplanned changes, this should be the only EAP for Crowd 5.0, so you can already start testing your apps.


  • Removing SOAP API: SOAP API has been deprecated in Crowd 4.3 and will be removed in Crowd 5.0. If you still use SOAP API, we’ve prepared a guide on how to migrate to REST API.
  • Platform 6 components: Crowd 5.0 will include Platform 6 components. We’ve prepared a list of libraries and plugins, both developed by Atlassian and third-parties, which were updated as part of this upgrade.

Downloads & docs

For details, see Preparing for Crowd 5.0. You can download the EAP from this page.

Share your feedback

If there’s anything we can provide that will make it easier for you to understand and plan for the changes, let us know by commenting below this post.

Happy testing,
The Crowd team


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