Crowd 6.2 EAP is available for download

We’ve just released an Early Access Program (EAP) of Crowd 6.2 so you can get familiar with the upcoming changes before the public release planned for December.


  • New login experience with two-step verification: To improve the security of the Crowd login experience, we’ve added a second authentication layer. The new login process supports a native two-step verification (2SV) capability using a time-based one-time password (TOTP) generated by an authentication app as a second factor.

Downloads and documentation

For details, check out the documentation on how to prepare for Crowd 6.2.

Share your feedback

If there’s anything we can provide that will help you understand and plan for the changes, please let us know by commenting below this post.

Happy testing,
The Crowd team

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Hi there,

we are implementing a Servlet in an Add-On. Unfortunately I get

missing requirement [XXX [53](R 53.0)] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=com.atlassian.crowd.console.action)(version>=6.1.0)(version<=6.1.0)) Unresolved requirements: [[XXX [53](R 53.0)] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=com.atlassian.crowd.console.action)(version>=6.1.0)(version<=6.1.0))]

Why am I not able to get the ActionHelper? It is very useful to get information like the logged in User.

Same for
com.atlassian.crowd.service.client.CrowdClient which was announced to be available again in 6.1.0

And we use a servlet filter that should filter every (literally every) request, as it checks the authentication. It works for all requests after the login, but not for the original login itself (http://localhost:8095/crowd/console/login.action) or the base-url (http://localhost:8095/crowd)

It worked before with older versions of crowd.

<servlet-filter name="xxx"
	location="before-login" >

A discussion about the problems mentioned above by @MarioAnstoots is tracked in Crowd 6.0 EAP is out

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Hey Community,

We noticed that in the last Crowd 6.2 EAP version, we unintentionally updated Struts to version 6.6, which might be a breaking change for your apps.

To help you avoid problems, we restored the previous version of Struts (2.5.33) and released a new EAP version, which you can download here.

The Crowd 6.2 release will also use an earlier version of Struts and will be backward compatible.

We will update Struts in Crowd 7.0, which will be available as EAP before the end of 2024 and should be officially released in the second quarter of 2025.

As always, please comment below this post if you need help understanding and planning for the changes.

Happy testing,
The Crowd team