Custom entities no longer being stored

Hi all,

I had an app that had been storing custom entities effectively last week and is no longer doing so this week. I can’t figure out why it’s not working and hoped someone might offer some insight.

The custom entities are courses and I have an index called by-id. For testing purposes, I set up this call in an async resolver function:

await storage
  .set(`course-${}`, newCourseProperties)
  .catch((err) => console.error(err));

const test = await storage.entity("courses").get(`course-${}`)

const test2 = await storage.entity("courses").query().index("by-id").getMany()
console.log("test1: ", test)
console.log("test2: ", test2)

test returns the expected object, but test2 shows no results (but a nextCursor, which I wouldn’t expect if there are no results).

When I store a simple object as just a key–value pair, it works.

Any ideas what might be going on or how else I could troubleshoot this?

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Hi @AaronCollier

I’m an engineer from Forge Storage and can help you with the issue. Could you provide me with the following context of your app?

  • What’s your app ID?
  • Did you run it in the production environment or default?
  • is it a fresh new app, or did you re-install it recently?


  • My app ID is e83de84e-1415-412c-8ca1-275da8e922ba.
  • I ran it in production (also in development).
  • I didn’t re-install the production version recently (not since the issue appeared).

I switched to using key–value storage since the custom entity wasn’t working for me at all.

Thank you so much for sharing the information @AaronCollier , we are investigating this and will get back to you with an updates asap. Thank you!

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What’s the situation? I am having the same issue. How is this not fixed already? This is catastrophic bug when application can’t use storage and fixing this should be top priority!

I was told that they identified this as an issue affect some (but not all) apps using custom entities and they’re trying to find the cause and next steps.

Hi everyone,

We have identified the cause of the issues with custom entities and implemented some mitigations. You can find a detailed explanation in the public bug ticket here.

If you have any further questions, please comment on the ticket or for sensitive communications raise an ECOHELP.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused

James Dumay
Group Product Manager, Forge