Custom-UI and Forge UI Kit in same App

Hi, I’m trying to make an app that have an issuePanel with Custom UI and a ProjectPage with UI Kit.

My manifest.yml looks like this

But the ProjectPage is not loading the resolver, only the issuePanel is.

This is my project structure

├── src/
│   ├── frontend/
│   │   └── output.jsx
│   ├── resolvers/
│   │   └── epichealth.js
│   │   └── output.js
│   └── index.js
├── static/epichealth

and src/index.js

export { handler as issuePanelHandler} from './resolvers/epichealth';
export { handler as projectPageHandler} from './resolvers/output';

Thanks for your help.

it looks like resource key mainOption has path src /frontend/output.jsx but you do not have it in project structure.
you may want to check that

Thanks for your help, that was one of my test, change the folder name, but even doing that didn’t help. I have edited my question so that won’t make confusions.
