Data Residency for Marketplace Apps Status Update

Hi @SushantBista
have a question around Dataresidency

  1. Lets say we have a Connect App( NOT complaiant with Data residency) and we have a customer using it (has some data of the customer stored with APP).
  2. Later we enable Data residency for the APP and release the APP
  3. Lets say the Tenant Host is in EU region, and since APP enabled EU region we start getting traffic to
    EU based regional baseURLs (i.e to store and process the Data in EU) one question here is how do we identify Proximity vs User pinning a region
  4. How do we handle the data created when the app was not Data residency complaint ? do we handle migration of it too (i.e copy the data created in step 1 global to EU region ?)
    or is it guarenteed to be treated as global as mentioned here How to migrate customers to the correct region after releasing data residency support - #4 by SushantBista

please let us know(questions asked in 3&4 above) this seems to be critical information.
