DateLozenge format

It seems that the DateLozenge component is ignoring user localization when formatting the date. Is there a way to affect/correct this?

Top date is rendered via a Forge Macro into Confluence. Bottom date is rendered by the native Confluence date entry macro.


Any response to this? DateLozenge creates very confusing renderings for US-based users.

Sorry for the late response on this @AdamKarl,

We’ll need to update this on our side. I’ve created a ticket for this which you can follow [FRGE-644] - Ecosystem Jira

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I appreciate it. Thanks Ryan.

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I ran into this in Jira/Forge/UIKit today. The bug has component “Confluence”, but not “Jira”.

This is still an issue.
Please update the documentation, to show how the DateLozenge actually gets rendered, it is misleading!