Hello, I want to define a custom layout per project in jira to display the subtasks created in a panel, so I have defined a button where I can add other columns in the subtasks displayed in the panel .But the problem is that when I select a column from the form and click on the save button nothing changes in the display, here is the code:
import ForgeUI, { render, ProjectSettingsPage, Fragment, Text, Table, Head, Cell, Row, Link, Button, Select, Option, Form, useState, useEffect, useProductContext, IssuePanel, ModalDialog } from '@forge/ui';
import api, { route, storage } from '@forge/api';
// Fetch child issues by issue key
const fetchChildIssues = async (issueKey) => {
console.log('Fetching child issues for:', issueKey); // Log pour vérifier l'issueKey
const response = await api.asApp().requestJira(route`/rest/api/3/search?jql=parent=${issueKey}`);
if (!response.ok) {
const errorMessage = await response.text();
console.error('Error fetching child issues:', errorMessage);
throw new Error('Failed to fetch child issues');
const data = await response.json();
console.log('Fetched child issues:', data.issues); // Log pour vérifier les données récupérées
return data.issues || [];
// SubtaskPanel component
const SubtaskPanel = () => {
const { platformContext: { issueKey } } = useProductContext();
const [subtasks, setSubtasks] = useState([]);
const [layout, setLayout] = useState(['Key', 'Summary', 'Assignee']); // Default columns
const [showPanel, setShowPanel] = useState(true); // State to toggle panel visibility
const [showErrorModal, setShowErrorModal] = useState(false);
const [showForm, setShowForm] = useState(false); // State to toggle form visibility
useEffect(() => {
if (!issueKey) {
console.error('No issueKey found in context.');
try {
const subtasks = fetchChildIssues(issueKey);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error loading panel data:', error);
}, [issueKey]);
const onSubmit = async (formData) => {
const selectedColumns = formData.additionalColumns;
console.log('Selected columns:', selectedColumns); // Log pour vérifier les colonnes sélectionnées
// Combine the default layout with the selected columns
const updatedLayout = [...new Set([...layout, ...selectedColumns])]; // Combine and remove duplicates
setLayout(updatedLayout); // Update table with new columns
// Re-fetch the subtasks to refresh the table with the new layout
const subtasks = await fetchChildIssues(issueKey);
setShowForm(false); // Hide the form after saving
return (
text={showPanel ? "Hide Subtasks Panel" : "Show Subtasks Panel"}
onClick={() => setShowPanel(!showPanel)}
{showPanel && (
text={showForm ? "Cancel" : "Add Columns"}
onClick={() => setShowForm(!showForm)}
{showForm && (
<Form onSubmit={onSubmit} submitButtonText="Save & Update Table">
<Select label="Additional Columns to Display" isMultiple name="additionalColumns">
<Option label="Status" value="Status" defaultSelected={layout.includes('Status')} />
<Option label="Priority" value="Priority" defaultSelected={layout.includes('Priority')} />
<Option label="Created" value="Created" defaultSelected={layout.includes('Created')} />
<Text content="Subtasks" />
{layout.includes('Key') && <Cell><Text content="Key" /></Cell>}
{layout.includes('Summary') && <Cell><Text content="Summary" /></Cell>}
{layout.includes('Assignee') && <Cell><Text content="Assignee" /></Cell>}
{layout.includes('Status') && <Cell><Text content="Status" /></Cell>}
{layout.includes('Priority') && <Cell><Text content="Priority" /></Cell>}
{layout.includes('Created') && <Cell><Text content="Created" /></Cell>}
{subtasks.map(subtask => (
<Row key={subtask.id}>
{layout.includes('Key') && (
<Link href={`/browse/${subtask.key}`}>{subtask.key}</Link>
{layout.includes('Summary') && <Cell><Text content={subtask.fields.summary} /></Cell>}
{layout.includes('Status') && <Cell><Text content={subtask.fields.status.name} /></Cell>}
{layout.includes('Assignee') && <Cell><Text content={subtask.fields.assignee ? subtask.fields.assignee.displayName : 'Unassigned'} /></Cell>}
{layout.includes('Priority') && <Cell><Text content={subtask.fields.priority ? subtask.fields.priority.name : 'N/A'} /></Cell>}
{layout.includes('Created') && <Cell><Text content={new Date(subtask.fields.created).toLocaleString()} /></Cell>}
{showErrorModal && (
<ModalDialog header="Error" onClose={() => setShowErrorModal(false)}>
<Text content='Le type de problème "Task" ne peut pas avoir de sous-tâches.' />
<Button text="Close" onClick={() => setShowErrorModal(false)} />
export const panelFunction = render(<IssuePanel><SubtaskPanel /></IssuePanel>);