Hi all!
I’ve been trying to deploy an angular application with forge.
First I’ve used the jira-issue-panel template with Custom UI. Then I’ve deleted the hello-world app, and inserted the angular app into the static folder, then I built the app using npm run build, and I’ve deployed and installed with forge. I also corrected the manifest.yml, so that It is using the correct build path.
Now my application seems to be deployed, but no angular components are shown. When inspecting the HTML I can see the index.html content, but I can’t expand the app-root component, because the angular components are not generated below it. The deploy also included the scripts (including main.js which is containing the code for the custom components), but the interesting thing is that in the console I get the following errors for the script files:
Loading module from “https://a6784c00-36f9-4140-87a6-f2ccff52b4b4.cdn.prod.atlassian-dev.net/main.3bfe6f90fd2b34b7.js” was blocked because of a disallowed MIME type (“application/xml”).
Also they are responding with 403 status codes. I suspect that this could be a problem, I just don’t see any reason I’d get these errors. Also can’t find anything on the Internet regarding deploying an angular app with forge
The angular app is working on it’s own, so no problem with that.
Is anyone aware of the issue, or could anyone help?
Best regards, Erik