Deprecation of the Epic Link, Parent Link and other related fields in REST APIs and Webhook

I know this change is still quite a way off but is there a way to disable the old functionality so I can make sure I have made all of the appropriate changes?


Hi @paul,

I’ve reached out to the team driving this change to ask if they intend to provide an early access program (EAP).


Hi @paul,

We’ve extended this deprecation’s grace period by 6 months to Nov, 30 2022. Closer to that date, we will make it possible to disable the old functionality for the partners who requested it. We will post a comment in the original announcement’s thread once this becomes available.

Please be assured that if we feel that there’s not enough time for the Marketplace partners to test their apps with the old fields removed, we will extend the grace period even further.


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Hi @KonstantinK , that’s good to hear. While I have already completed the changes I’d like to double check that before it goes live.

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Hi @KonstantinK!
We are starting to do the changes related to the deprecation. First of all, I want to say thanks for the detailed info.
However, we are seeing some strange behaviour. We have an epic issue with the issue key TP-11, when we run a jql (parent=TP-11 ORDER BY updatedDate DESC) using the parent field we don’t have any results but with the old custom field (cf[10014]=TP-11 ORDER BY updatedDate DESC) we have 6 results. Do you have some clue about what is going on here?

Best regards

Hi @maria1, thanks for your feedback on that!

As we mentioned before, while our changes to API have been fully released, our changes to JQL are still being rolled out. So your instance may not have the new JQL functionality. I think all instances will have it in the coming months.

Once this happens, the JQL parent=TP-11 will return the issues returned by cf[10014]=TP-11 .
