We have some dynamic pipelines handling builds for critical projects that were created 6 months ago. I started getting messages that I should update the forge modules, then I needed Node 22 to install the latest version, then I’m getting threats that the whole thing will grind to a halt on Feb 25.
Start with a template. Each template contains the required files to be a valid app.
? Select a category: Triggers and Validators
? Select a product: Bitbucket
? Select a template: bitbucket-dynamic-pipelines-provider
Creating app…
Downloading template
Registering app
Warning: Your app is currently using deprecated UI Kit 1 modules: dynamic-pipelines-provider. UI Kit 1 will be removed on February 28, 2025. Please refer to the documentation (https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/ui-kit/upgrade-to-ui-kit-latest/#upgrade-from-ui-kit-1-to-ui-kit-latest-version) to upgrade your modules.
Creating environments
Installing dependencies
Created test-update
I tried creating a new Forge project using bitbucket-dynamic-pipelines-provider to see what the code would look like, as an example of what to migrate the current manifests to, but it generates the same deprecated code. I have no control over what is in bitbucket:dynamicPipelinesProvider.
Is there a way to know in advance how to migrate the Bitbucket dynamic pipelines providers? We will be in deep trouble if it stops working. I would like some headstart to have time to test the new version before everything breaks.