I don’t want to show my Power-Up’s board-button to members of the board that are workspace guests. This is only relevant on paid plans. Of course, I would love to do this without hitting the Trello API.
I don’t see how to retrieve it in t.getContext()
, or t.board('all')
, or t.member('all')
. Help me out?
October 21, 2023, 7:56pm
This is how I see if the user is an “observer” or not on the board:
/// <reference path="trello.d.js" />
/** @type {TrelloPowerUp} */
const tpu = window.TrelloPowerUp;
* Returns the board button
* @param {TrelloObject} t
* @returns {TrelloBoardButtonOption[]}
async (t) => {
/** @type {TrelloMemberObject} */
const member = await t.member("id");
/** @type {TrelloBoard} */
const board = await t.board("memberships");
/** @type {TrelloMembership} */
const membership = board.memberships.find(o=>o.idMember === member.id);
if(!membership || membership.memberType === "observer") {
message: "Sorry you are only a guest on this board!",
duration: 1,
return []; // no board button for you
/** @type {TrelloBoardButtonOption} */
const button = {
text: "hello",
icon: ``, // for card front badges only
condition: "always",
callback: (tt) => {
message: "You are all paid up!",
duration: 1,
// return the button
return [button];
1 Like
Amazing. That worked perfectly.