Display Conditions Property In JSM Module


In my Forge app, I’m using jiraServiceManagement:portalRequestCreatePropertyPanel module. One important thing missing is displayConditions property. How I handle to make it appear only for some specific form is using the code.

This is not a best practices since it’s very prone to error. One more thing is the forge app iframe code still appear in the form but you can’t see it since it didn’t contain anything. The problem is the empty iframe default height still there. So, you will notice some empty gaps between the form and the submit button. Imagine if you have multiple forge app and the empty gaps will be increase.

Another issue is user will see the warning message related to the permissions in all forms if I forgot to share my Forge app because the code to make it show only in specific form didn’t run due to other user didn’t has permission.

Is there any plan to include displayConditions property in JSM modules?

Thank you.

Welcome to the Atlassian developer community @FaizHalim,

I haven’t seen any indication that we are committed to displayConditions for JSM modules. Could you please open a suggestion on JAC in the ECO project? Once you have the issue key, please let us know here so other folks can watch, vote, and comment.

@ibuchanan I have submitted a suggestion in ECO project. Here is the issue key. ECO-410

Dear community, feel free to comment and vote.

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@ibuchanan - this is extremely confusing and just wasted us an entire day. On the Display Condition docs it literally references “Jira Service Management Conditions” - which gives the strong impression that JSW Modules are treated the same way as regular Jira modules, and so support the same Display Conditions.