Danny from Rewind here. We have 3 Cloud apps in the Atlassian Marketplace, and recently switched them all to Paid-Via-Atlassian.
We’d love to become an official Marketplace Partner, but I don’t see any directions on how to apply/join. Is that because Atlassian automatically selects them based on the criteria laid out in the program? I have a feeling this is the case but just wanted to be sure!
You automatically become an official Atlassian Marketplace Partner by publishing an app to the Atlassian Marketplace, which requires you to accept the Atlassian Marketplace Partner Agreement.
This also means that you can request access to the Partner Portal as soon as you have published an app to the Atlassian Marketplace. From the Partner Portal, you can access marketing material which you can use to identify yourself as an official Atlassian Marketplace Partner. See also:
5.7. Partner Portal. During the Term, Marketplace Partner may use the Partner Portal to access Marketplace Guidelines, Atlassian Marks, marketing tools and services, and other Marketplace resources. Marketplace Partner may use such resources solely to exercise its rights and fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. To access the Partner Portal, Marketplace Partner may be required to activate or validate its status as a Marketplace Partner, as further specified on the Partner Portal landing page.