Does forge app support REST calls from webworker threads?

Hi I wondering since our app have plenty tables and we would like to speed up the boot with webworkers fetching rest data and give data on event call that updates tables multithreaded. We are adding vanilla javascritp to index.html which receives the data and does updating. Another thing is if we dont want use react and we wanna do vanilla javascritp app does forge support vanilla html project without react dependacies so, is manifest able to change loading only html file without react intialising?

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I’m assuming you’re using Custom UI.

You can use whatever framework (or lack of) in the frontend.

I’m not sure about the webworker threads but they should also be fine.

Yes custom full page layout. Reac-Data-Grid do not work app states current null -errors on react-data-grid modules. If someone knows what we need to do in order to get lib working with forge? It works with react app no problems but when we try to add codebase to forge we get these current errors. Is this some scope issue or what to do to get react-data-grid working with forge app?

I also want to move a big part of data loading into a web worker with custom UI. Sadly, something in the @forge/bridge is using window! And thus I cannot send authenticated requests to my site. This global variable is not defined within web workers’ scope!
I would highly appreciate to build a top state of the art fast UI with web workers.

Hey Lars,

Given this is a very old thread you might have more luck creating a new post so your request could be routed to the right people.