Does sorting by Sprint id = sorting chromnologically?

I am working on python code that uses the Jira API. I need to get the latest sprint from a list of Sprint dictionaries. I could try to parse the users hand typed date in the Sprint[‘name’] value, but that is not going to be robust. If I sort a list of Sprint dicts by Sprint id, am I guaranteed to get the sprints in ascending order of creation? It looks like the id values are increasing with each new sprint that is added, but I would like to hear if that’s reliable. I do not know where the Sprint id values come from…

Hello @JohnPatterson
Yes, the sprint ID numbers are created sequentially, so they are indicative of the absolute order in which the sprints were created.

There is of course no guarantee that their order of creation correlates to their Start Date, so if by “get the latest sprint” you mean “get the most recent one according to its Start Date”, then you are going to get misleading results via the IDs…

Thanks - great, that’ll be somebody else’s problem, if they’re creating new sprints with old dates. :slight_smile: