Does the Cloud Version of Confluence Allow for Custom Functionality?

I have a TON of custom functions in the non-cloud version of confluence. If we move to the cloud, I was told that we would not have the ability to create custom functions/macros or bring the existing custom functionality we’ve created with us. is this true?

Welcome to the Atlassian developer community @BRMInstitute,

No, it’s not true. Confluence Cloud is extensible. You can see for yourself with this “hello world” tutorial to build a macro. (I’m not entirely sure what you mean by “functions” but there are APIs, events, and many other capabilities to create custom functionality.)

While Confluence Cloud is customizable, there are some important caveats:

  • Confluence Cloud is a different product from Confluence Data Center, with different features. As such, there isn’t 1:1 feature parity. And, migrating your data might require “rewiring” your macros and “functions”.
  • As implication of the above, Confluence Cloud apps are different from Confluence Data Center. You will have to rebuild them (or, for Marketplace, buy the Cloud versions).
  • As implication of both, Confluence Cloud’s developer platform is different, and in the details, you may find some things that you’ve done in Confluence Data Center are not possible with Confluence Cloud. Conversely, there are things Confluence Cloud can do that you could not have done in Confluence Data Center.

With a TON of apps, I can imagine an Atlassian or Solution Partner telling you, “It’s not possible to move them all.” That’s more a comment on feasibility (cost, effort, time) for the whole set than pure technical possibility.

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Thank you so much for your response! That helps me a lot. Can I ask- are plugins extra on the cloud platform for confluence?


The Forge platform is used to build apps (Atlassian docs have switched from plugins to apps in the Cloud documentation). Forge is currently free, and will remain so until the end of 2025. Forge does have quotas and limits for capabilities like compute and storage. Those limits mostly scale with your user licensing.

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