Editor wikimarkup transformer - Known Issue

Hey Wikimarkup Team,

To make our app editor feature compatible with Jira we have decided to use atlaskit editor-core. we are using this editor with wikimarkup transformer.

we encounter few known bug which is working perfectly with JOSN transformer but not with wikimarkup transformer.

—wikimarkup transformer Bug

  • table - numbered column option not working properly
  • table cell background not working properly
  • not able to bold particular character eg He*ll*o - not working in wiki markup, *Hello* will work
  • not all emojis supported by wikimarkup. eg flags, kangaru etc it will display as text in renderer.
  • wiki formatter (table) not properly working with Bullet/Number list in latest editor it’s working fine with old Jira editor.

We have tried all option in live example.

We also encounter few editor issue.

— editor

  • If used legacy media provider, copy paste a cell from excel or spreadsheet - calls the legacy media provider handler instead of copying contents in table format
  • multiple editors
  1. on click on other editor options of first not getting closes test formating etc menu list
  2. quick menus also (opened using ) multiple can be opened

Few Suggestion if we can get to configure below option in editor:

  • mention tooltip custom text configurable.
  • way to hide files and images from quick menu.
  • onBlur support- custom onblur event and this should not be triggered on editor’s sub menu lists opens or help dialog opens.

Any help would be appreciated here. if this all will be fixed in near feature or it’s already in roadmap to fix this issue.
