Email endpoints are not returning any email address

Hi guys,

I wanted to access the user’s email to be able to sync the Jira project with our system, I followed the documentation and it’s mentioned that I can access the user’s email normally. It’s explained in Get user email bulk

Even other endpoints such as Get User Email

Both of these 2 endpoints are not returning any email.

I found that I must request access to the user’s email by filling out a form as explained in the Guidelines for requesting access to email address

The customer support replied that accessing the user’s email feature is available only for the Connect app, can anyone explain that?

Another question, why do some Jira users have an accountId that looks like “number:UUID” and some other users have a different accountId that looks like “6159f548a093ad0074gf0142”


I can confirm these email APIs do not work in Forge, but not with any rationale. I hope support also explained that you can/should open a Suggestion (our term for “feature request”) in our open Jira (JAC) in the ECO project. I recommend specifying that Forge does not support endpoint in question. Once you have the issue key, please let us know here so other folks can watch, vote, and comment.

That’s another easier to confirm than explain. I have the first format. I think any new account will be created with the 2nd. All I can say is that we changed ID generators and, generally, Atlassian’s IDs should be considered opaque strings, similar to most of our security tokens.

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I’m just wondering, since it doesn’t work in Forge, why it’s mentioned in the documentation.

I have opened a suggestion request, here is the link

History. It works for Connect, which is still a currently supported app development framework, even if not the “latest & greatest”.