Error executing Datacenter App Performance Toolkit


I’m trying to install the Datacenter App Performance Toolkit in my local DEV machine by flowing this guide:
and I have the this error in two environnements Windows server 2016/Linux CentOS 7.

Flowing the guide, step by step, I installed:

  • python 3.7
  • pip3 9.0.3
  • java 8

The error message is returned when I try to install requirements by using the command line
pip install -r requirements.txt

PS : In windows I’had the same kind of error but with this message although installing Microsoft C++ Build Tools and adding the installation directory to the windows path :
error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with “Microsoft C++ Build Tools”:

Also, I found this bug but not yet resolved:

Is there anyone who has already taken this step?

Thank you for your help.


Hey there Amine,

with questions regarding the DCAPT, I recommend checking out the community slack, where cool Atlassians working on the Toolkit as well as some community members talk and discuss about the Toolkit and provide support for it.

Regarding your problem: Looks like you are missing <Python.h>, which is included in the python-devel package. You could try running sudo yum install python3-devel to install the library on CentOS.

On Windows, it is required to install the Windows 10 SDK (which is apparently also working with windows server 2016) as well as the C++ Build Tools.

I hope this helps you and see you soon on the DCAPT community slack. :wave:

Cheers, Fabian :tea:


Hi @FabianSiegel

Many thanks for your help, I resolved the problem in Linux (CentOS 7) by installing python3-devl

I add that the community slack link is very helpful

Thank you :slight_smile:

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