Error: Forge runtime not found

Hi Team,
I am trying to save admin configure page’s user entering data into forge i am getting Error: Forge runtime not found. i resolve this issue.
i have mentioned below permission to my manifest.yml file

    - storage:app
    - manage:jira-configuration

calling storage within the user’s handler function

const onSubmit = async () => {
    if (!selectedOptions) {
      alert("Please choose Fields!");
    await storage.set('issue-fields', selectedOptions);
          <Button text="Save" onClick={onSubmit}>Save</Button>

The storage api should be called in your backend resolver. It won’t work in the frontend hence the error message.

yeah .it working fine when i have use the Forge Storage API in the Backend Resolver using invoke concept

Yes, perhaps one day we’ll have a “bridge” API that allows direct access to storage from the UI (whether using Custom UI or UI Kit). However, for now, storage access must be handled through the Forge backend only.