We’re trying to export inline UI kit macros, as simple as displaying the page’s current version inline for example. But we’re running into following problems:
- When using the page properties report, the following error is shown for the inline macro:
- When exporting to Word and PDF, we either see an error icon or nothing respectively.
- When looking at the page history, we see this for inline:
and this for block:
(refresh app doesn’t change anything)
-when comparing page version, we see this for block layout:
It looks like the export function isn’t even called when the macro has an inline
This doesn’t happen when we use layout block
instead of inline
. We’ve seen Forge apps in the marketplace that were able render inline macros.
How can we get the inline macro export working? Thanks in advance!
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Hi Rick, this is a known bug within Confluence. Unfortunately it currently does not have a workaround or fix yet but you can follow this ticket here when there are updates on this: [CONFCLOUD-75323] Forge Macro not being rendered when embedding in Page Properties report - Create and track feature requests for Atlassian products.
Thanks for your reply @QuocLieu! I will definitely keep an eye on that issue. The thing is though, that there are marketplace forge apps, that do provide inline macros that render perfectly in the above mentioned situations. Version Info for example. I was wondering what the trick is?
Hi @rick.van.twillert , from the screen shot in Version Info and my own testing, the inline macro that are in a Confluence table will render fine. It’s only in the exported pdf/word doc or the page properties macro itself where this will break as page properties uses the exported version of a macro to render.
page properties macro with an inline macro:
the decision table from page properties with an inline macro
Hi @QuocLieu! Interesting, I did some testing as well with e.g. the Version Info app, I am able to render the results in the page properties report inline:
Any clues on how it might be possible? Indeed as long as a block macro is used the export function is called correctly.
Hi @ThijsRoodbeen , just noticed this now but from the styling of their status lozenge it looks to have been built using Connect which does not have this issue.
Hi @QuocLieu, That would indeed explain. Thanks for the help!
Thank you for sharing your insight, @QuocLieu. The question still remains as to when this issue will be resolved. This malfunction is significant for inline macros and is a showstopper for the use of inline macros in commercial forge apps, which is a shame in my opinion. There is a lot of potential here, but unfortunately it cannot be realized in its current state. Is there an anticipated timeline for the resolution of this issue, and is there anything we can do to speed up the process?
The reported issue you mentioned (CONFCLOUD-75323) only covers a small part of the whole problem. Are there bug reports for the other parts (issue history, export) mentioned in my initial post?
Thanks in advance!
hi @rick.van.twillert , the root cause covers exporting, page history and rendering inside page properties report. All issues you’ve outlined will be fixed in the same ticket. I’ve also added the issues you’ve mentioned in the ticket description to make this clearer as well.
As frustrating as this is, we don’t have a specific timeline for resolution on this. That Confluence ticket linked will keep you updated on when progress has been made
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I realize it’s been a year+, but there’s good news on exporting Custom UI & UI Kit from macros built with Forge:
Function gets called…
export const adfExportView = async (data) => {
return doc(
PDF WORD and scroll word exporter of a simplest inline macro is still not exporting…
Also tried to use a custom ui, a multiexerpt macro using its inline include, my own forge UI Kit 2 - In all cases I am seeing issues. The best was multiexerpt but there are still misalignments issues like mentioned similar to what is mentioned here Vertically misaligned Inline Forge Macro off by a small amount css.
Please prioritize this issue, adfExport is not working currently (this is a Forge UI Kit but I tested also a Custom UI which is not working)
This is multiexerpt includes produces misaligned results both when printing and in confluence ui.
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