External fetch URLs not showing on consent screen and fails to allow access

My app has been working fine up until yesterday, it reaches out to a couple of microsoft urls to complete it’s purpose:

This is my app manifest permissions:

    - import:import-configuration:cmdb
    - storage:app
      - "graph.microsoft.com"
      - "login.microsoftonline.com"

I’ve tried changing " for ’ removing quotes all together, removing https:// etc.

I can see these listed on the app in the developer console

I can see them listed in the forge cli when I deploy:
Upgrading your app on the Atlassian site.

Your app will exchange data with the following urls:
- url1
- url2

? Do you want to continue? Yes

But when I go to allow access as me

They don’t appear on the oauth consent screen:

What’s strange is that the App Name and Logo on the auth consent screen isn’t my previous one/what I have on the marketplace listing.

To also add - I’ve checked the F12 network request and I can confirm that the appId is what matches in my developer console, has anyone got any suggestions?

I’ve logged a ticket with no response yet and I’m pulling my hair out over what can be the issue! I’m absolutely baffled.

Is there anyone else who can help with the above?